hello everyone i need some help


WiiChat Member
Jan 5, 2007
i'm doing the meet harry mission, i'm in the trainig room and up to the bit where u have to disarm the enemy by tagging his weapon located in a white square, but i can't go past it i keep shooting at it and nothing happens i've shot from different angles millions of times and i still can't get it. ma i doing something wrong? why can't i get it? please somebod help me:(
you shoot when your dot goes white, sometimes your in the white box, but your not actually aiming at the gun, it just outlines where about's it is.
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thanks a lot, mate i really appreciate it. but now i have a new problem i don't know what to do in the next stage haw am i supposed to kill the bad guys with a sword?
Hold A push wiimote forward to target, hold C (white boxes should appear), aim white dot to box press B, target as many as you can before timer counts down, let go of C and go crazy hammering B. Works for me. -- Pick up the dead guys gun before you open the door -- I think thats the bit your on about:)
chelegolden said:
how do you add someone to my Wii friend's list?

Go on to the message board then do on th letter symbol, click on the address book there you wil get your wii number and you will be able to add someone else! :smilewinkgrin:

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