Hello and thanks


mii is noob.
Jan 12, 2011
boogie down Bronx
Wii Online Code
Hello everyone! Hope you all brought in the new year with some joy.

I'm glad to say this is one of the best sites for gamings I've come across in a long time. The layout the cleanliness and is superb. I got my wii when they announced the red wii 25th edition. I grew up on nintendo, going from that to super nintendo and 64 but the wii never appealed till I saw mario bundled with it. It's safe to say that I'm upset about not getting one earlier but I guess things worked out. I found this site looking for a golden eye forum (another reason I bought the wii) but it turns out this site is more than i asked for. Hope to play with some of you sometime soon. I also play other sytems and am usually open to making new friends for certain games. If you play online or have any questions message me. I cant stress enough how cool this site is.Thanks Creators,Mods,Admins and the rest of the community.


p.s. I also bought it for Donkey Kong and Mario Kart. Nostalgia never fails.
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Haha thanks I'm having a look around. Trying to find friends for certain games. Lot of threads making things easier.
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thanks guys.. been inactive lately. hit me up on here for anygames of mariocart or goldeneye )
Hello! welcome, I am a very avid Nintendo fan, too (I only have Nintendo consoles you see, I don't support the others lol, call me loyal I guess) you can add me to your Wii, my codes are in my signature, what games do you play online? and btw, I wish I could buy Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid: Other M, and others, like GoldenEye and Sin and Punishment, but I'll wait a little 'til the prices drop on Amazon.
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Thanks guys. I'll add you on the wii code Ax!

@ Ax lol. Thanks guys for the welcome. Dude I mario kart, I dont have my sig updated but I'll send you a message with my Mario kart code. You gotta get goldeneye! it's awesome. Donkey kong is something of a time consumer, you get sucked into to it. I'm going to get strikers too though, so maybe we can play that sometime soon.
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Hey All,
I am a mother to two that play on the Wii. I found this site by trying to find other players for them to play Animal Crossing with. They use to play with their cousin who lives too many miles away from us. Since they haven't been able to play with him in a while b/c he stays in troube, I decided to search for other players. I came across this site and I am very impressed. Still learning a lot of things and how to navigate around but I am sure I will get the hang of it. Thanks to this site, my kids have been able to venture out to other player's town. I am hoping to learn the purpose of giving out your wii console number and getting other wii owner's console number. If anyone can help, please do and this may also be something else I let my kids do. They are only 7 and 9 years old.
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  • #13
Hey All,
I am a mother to two that play on the Wii. I found this site by trying to find other players for them to play Animal Crossing with. They use to play with their cousin who lives too many miles away from us. Since they haven't been able to play with him in a while b/c he stays in troube, I decided to search for other players. I came across this site and I am very impressed. Still learning a lot of things and how to navigate around but I am sure I will get the hang of it. Thanks to this site, my kids have been able to venture out to other player's town. I am hoping to learn the purpose of giving out your wii console number and getting other wii owner's console number. If anyone can help, please do and this may also be something else I let my kids do. They are only 7 and 9 years old.

Hey thats really cool. wish my parents supported my gaming that much when i was a kid. The site is really cool, welcome and enjoy your stay. You should make your own thread in this forum if you haven't already to get a little bit more feed back and code responses. You can add me if youde like, but if you want some wii cosole codes, there is a thread in a forum here made for it. If u can't find it msg me ill link u. :)

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