Hello all


Nintendo Encyclopedia
Nov 22, 2006
England, UK
Hello guys and gals.

Looks like a good community here, so I thought I would join so that I can share my wisdom with those that need it.

I'm a massive Zelda fan (have been playing since the NES days) and am really looking forward to the UK release.

A little about me..... I'm currently at University, but am on a placement year working for one of the worlds biggest IT companies. I also co-run a webhosting company which has been running for many years now. I like most things, but possibly my biggest pet hate is poor use of English on forums, does it really take that much effort to write properly and take the caps lock key off??

Well I hope I enjoy my stay here :)

I hope you enjoy your stay here too. Also, you should embed that image into your sig because it's pretty sweet. A couple of questions: Do you have a wii? If you do whats your friend code?
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Bulldogxx831 said:
I hope you enjoy your stay here too. Also, you should embed that image into your sig because it's pretty sweet. A couple of questions: Do you have a wii? If you do whats your friend code?

Embed :) - Different forum software has different BBCode :mad2:

Thanks about the sig, someone in my graphics team made it for me around a year ago, I really like it too. No Wii till UK launch day (8th December), well hopefuly, I pre-ordered months ago. No friend code till I get all set up I'm afraid.

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