Hell is starting to freeze over

I never said it was, I can play a little guitar, but I'm not that great. Plenty of my friends can't play guitar, and a lot of people can't play it. It's a great game, though just because it only has 5 buttons is no reason to dismiss it as a "STUPID GIMMICK." Would you want to play a game with 25 buttons as an exact replica of a guitar!? I know I wouldn't.
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  • #32
ThatGuy127 said:
I never said it was, I can play a little guitar, but I'm not that great. Plenty of my friends can't play guitar, and a lot of people can't play it. It's a great game, though just because it only has 5 buttons is no reason to dismiss it as a "STUPID GIMMICK." Would you want to play a game with 25 buttons as an exact replica of a guitar!? I know I wouldn't.

As an exact replica of a guitar? Hells yes, that would make it far sweeter.
It would be way too complicated. The game is good as is. No one said you had to play it.
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  • #34
ThatGuy127 said:
It would be way too complicated. The game is good as is. No one said you had to play it.

Nor did I say I was ever at any point in time forced to play it.
Then why complain that its not a good game if you don't have to play it?

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  • #36
ThatGuy127 said:
Then why complain that its not a good game if you don't have to play it?


This thread was to display the picture of the boxart+guitar controller for GH for the 360.
So your just complaining about the guitar and a picture? This tread is the definition of stupidity.
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  • #38
ThatGuy127 said:
So your just complaining about the guitar and a picture? This tread is the definition of stupidity.

Um...did you even see the topic post? It was a thread to show the guitar and box, because when I made the thread, the pictures of it had just been released that day. It's called "news."
KyleForMe said:
I too am a real guitar player, but I disagree about your view on this game. My gf's little sister actually became interested enough to take real guitar lessons after "mastering" guitar hero 1.

Not to mention it's a good exercise for the fingers. Wouldn't catch me playing it too often though.:rolleyes: It's funny though that the few times I've played it I can't get through the songs, and it's like "what the hell, I can actually play this damn song..."

I totally agree with you. Ss another guitar player, I have played this game before and it is very fun, although I wouldn't play it too long :D
I just read a tidbit that Red Octane may be given the green light soon by Microsoft to make the guitar wireless.
i doubt something that cool would be for the wii....usually if PS2/3 has it, xbox is next. like DDR for instance....id KILL for ddr for wii!!!!!!
Yuu said:
how is DDR on the wii gonna be any different that DDR on a ps2? lol

lol beats me but ya know how sometimes they put different songs on or stupid little extras? i know there are differences between the Xbox ones and PS2 ones so maybe they can do the same for wii :) come on a girl can dream cant she????:cornut:
i guess if they can add hand moves and twirls and stuff.. haha that would be pretty cool to watch. disco ddr!
Yuu said:
i guess if they can add hand moves and twirls and stuff.. haha that would be pretty cool to watch. disco ddr!

holy crap that would be way too fun! however, i would probably have an epileptic attack!!! LMAO!:lol:

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