
i am 16 years of age and i am 5"9"...calm down...then again i never go outside and i drink crap loads of coffee and soda...Statistics show that males do not stop growing until the age of 25.
I might phone the NHS later, see if there's anything medical I can have. Human growth hormone may help. I also need to go to counselling. Whenever I'm doing something good I remind myself of my height which gets me down. It's dangerously obsessive. Psychologically, it's destroying and defeating me. I'm usually an optimist, but I don't feel optimistic.
I'm not they'd give growth hormones or anything like that, because there's nothing to suggest that anything is physically wrong with you. 5'6'' is within the normal range for a British adult male. All I can say, don't let it bother you. I'm about the same height as you are, and I can tell you my height has never been a significant inconvenience in any way.
I'm about 5'10" and I'm 15. Right now I feel like the king of the world cuz I'm taller than most of the people in my family.....although I'm not anywhere near being the tallest kid at my school. Heck, I saw an 8th grader a few days ago, and I swear he was 6'3"!
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Seeing as this thread is revived I may as well update it.

Basically, I'm still 5'6. Sometimes I'll have days when it's all I think about and it'll depress me. Sometimes there are days I can just put it out of my mind. I suppose it's impatience. I'll probably grow at least another two inches (as my dad put it, no one in my family is actually short, he's 6', my uncles ar 5'11-6'4), and he's booked a doctors appointment. I think you can have bone marrow tests or something that can tell if you'll grow more. He also said he'll break the bank to pay for growth hormones if it's getting to me, so long as I keep focused on my work and achieve as it is my GCSE year. Hopefully I'll have grown by the Summer anyway. 6' would be an ideal height, but I probably won't reach it this year without a mega growth spurt. It's hard to explain really to tall people. It's especially annoying when you happen to pass girls your age that are taller than you (albeit only by an inch or so).
instead of wasting money on growth hormones, eat mcdonalds. the growth hormones they use to grow their chicken and such will be more than enough to improve your height. (as if mcdonalds actually uses meat :lol:)
6" 24.

don't sweat it bud. i know many guys who took til after high-school to et taller. everyone is different. one cousin is 16 & 6", another is 14 & maybe 5". big difference.
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OK, I went to the doctors. Apparantly, in some strange miscarriage of justice, they are going to have to look at my penis and testicles when I go back there next month to check the development 'down there'. They will also need to check my blood for the volume of iron, calcium, protein and hormones. It may just be that my body clock is incredibly ****ed up, which I hope it is. As a self professed fan of Stalin, I am going to embark on three consecutive Five Month Plans, in which I will check my growth progress over a period of five months. If I grow an inch each plan, I would be 5'9 by the end. If I grow two inches (which would be ideal, although unlikely), I will end up being 6'.
Hmmm... Thats strange Navarre... I mean that they will have to check that stuff. You could try doing things to promote more production of testosterone in your body (im not sure if your sexually active or not) but the amount of testosterone affects your growth, just like it does the production of facial hair and muscle formation. If your not doing any sports that get your adrenaline pumping, do them, bc it will help.
damn u short lol no girls gonna wanna date u

but no really

you just need to make the girl feel like **** because shes "tall" and shouldnt be "taller than the guy". she'll be so busy worrying about her height and being able to "justify" herself to you that she wont care about your height

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