Having problems with Mario Kart controllers


Butterfly Kisses
Jan 27, 2007
Exeter PA
Wii Online Code
My Dad and I just downloaded Mario Kart 64 and we pluged the nintendo gamecube controllers in but when we hit the icon to play it says you must plug in classic controllers. It won't let me do anything after that but take me back to the main menu, I looked at the game on the Wii Virtual Console and it says you can use the gamecube controllers. I have no idea what to do.
tell us if you have a real NINTENDO GC controller...or if you have a generic controller....sometime 3rd party controller doesnt work....

personnally i have a nintendo wavebird GC controller and it works just fine with marionkart 64....

so if your controller is a nintendo....i dont know whats your problem...!?!

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You know what that is prolly it. I have a orange one, black one, purple one, and a wave bird. That sucks.
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Hmmm maybe there is something wrong with the game. Does anyone have a suggestion to where I can find an answer?
Make sure the controller is in the 1st GC port and that it is in their before launching the game.
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jlspec said:
Make sure the controller is in the 1st GC port and that it is in their before launching the game.

Lol that was it, my Dad and I finally figured it out last night and boy did I feel like an idiot :eek:ut: .
not working

i just got Super mario 64 and i have a 3rd party controller and when i tried this technique it didn't work
my logic3 controller works fine but apparently some 3rd party products dont work. even 3rd party memory cards are causing problems.
ppl just stop using 3d party stuff it will solve your problems it has like a %99.9999 chance of working. I think they cost about $20.00 canadian.
well some 3rd party stuff will work its not trust worthy though

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