Havent Played my Wii in 13 days!

Off topic posts deleted.

To be on topic though, I actually havn't played in quite a while.
I've been on the forum most of the time, and at work a couple days a week.
Not that its boring or anything, I just seem to enjoy talking about it more than playing it for some reason.
lol.. you should see me right now! im like all over the nintendo wii cuz i dont want one! i never even TRIED one.. but i guess you could say 'boring' since there is no games you like :]
sadly i am too getting bored of my wii its probly because i cant afford more then the 3 games i have and i dont got another remote for multi player but nonetheless after playing exite truck for 15 hours last night iv had no urge to continue in zelda or super monkey ball :( i sure hope i get some more games for it.