Have Any of You Re-Bought Any Games?

Yeah, I downloaded some of the VC titles even though I own the cartridges. It makes things much easier and I can play any of the classic games at any time without having to set up the older consoles.
Adam Wii said:

I choose NOT to buy ANY NES, Super NES, N64 OR Genesis/Megadrive games for my Virtual Console.


Because I have my REAL NES, Super NES, N64 and Genesis/Megadrive

Stange I dont because I use emu for the games I have (pc pulgs into tv)
I haven't yet but I definitely will be. I have the old 8bit nes and I love those old games. I have quite a few and still have my console hooked up but I would love to have it all on one system. It's tough because right now they are so cheap but what are they charging for the wii compatible downloads? Wow, I have a lot of games to replace if I choose to go this route... then again, the old consoles are selling for quite a nice price although I just can't imagine parting with it... oh not to mention the game genie!!! hmmmmm:smilewinkgrin:
Just about every VC Game I bought I used to own. I sold off all of my older systems (used to have over 13 at one point) and the games, due to the fact I had had them for so many years and was looking forward to having one system to put all of the memorable games in. I made bank off of my old games.
i sold all my old systems (but i sold them to my uncle so i can kinda still play them once in a while) so now all that i have is a wii and a gamecube.

so i was psyched about vc cuz then i could play all my old game and some ones i didnt own (ocarina of time, call me crazy, i had an n64 but not ocarina)
I have only rebrought one game; Ocerina of Time, which was a very recent purchase of mine. I have the n64 cart but that's sitting in a box with all my other n64 stuff at the bottom of my cuboard, so convineance I guess :D
I generally try to buy the games I don't already own first, but when I look at my channels, I notice that most of my games are ones I've finished many times in the past! I just love the classics, what can I say? :)
Not one that I had on its originals console, but I did by The Legend of Zelda, which I had on Game Boy Advance. I bought it because I no longer have the game, and I never beat it. Funny thing is, I still never got around to finishing the game...