Has Nintendo Forgotten?

Think of it this way:

The XB 360 was released a year before Wii, yet Halo 3 was released just 2 months before SSB Brawl.

Ninty Pwns!
agreed with the 2nd poster, i'm almost as excited about Medal of Honor as i am with ssbb. I'm gonna miss out on Halo but 360 won't be able to play a shooting game as interactive as the one on the wii. (plus it's only one player, friends can't mooch off me but i can play Halo 3 with them!)
Better games indeed

We need to some more games that are, well in my personal opinon RPG, ACTION, maybe some first person shooting games. So yes in a way they have let us down in a way. But I will say this I love the Wii sports, that was a awesome addition to thier line of games. peace:ciappa:
Nintendo and Valve have teamed up to make more software exclusive to the Wii. In the next few years a lot of developers will jump onto the Wii for 1 major reason. The development costs to make a Wii game are anywhere from $20 million to $5 million LESS. An average PS3 game costs over $20 million to make. That's double of what the norm was for last gen consoles.

If your $5 million investment flops, it's much easier to take than a $20 million one. The bonus with the 360 is you can port to the PC, so Microsoft also has their own market.
For the sake of the whole Casual/Hardcore debate...

Bungie adjusted the difficulty on Halo3 to welcome more casual gamers... Casual gamers have always been a huge market. I don't think you have to worry about mini games taking over your console because the games you have come to love will always be there.

I think we will be happy soon enough. If not you have to high of expectations.
If you are a true gamer, you already know that it takes time for great games to come out. Maybe in the future they'll launch games in weeks, but right now it still takes 2-4 years for a great game to come out. My advice is to find a few good online games to fill in the gap. Games like MGS3 Online. I miss that game. That and RE Outbreak 2.
Pikachu256 said:
Hello Fellow Gamers, This is just a discussion thread, but I would like to ask you has Nintendo Forgotten the people who helped them to achieve their success?
Right now I think Nintendo at a great spot in the gaming industry, but so far they have been making games that we don't expect. Like Super Smash Bros Brawl, after that comes out what other games do we expect? They are making more of a family mini-game than the games that people want to see. Whats the Future of Nintendo some Action games and Mostly family games?

In Conclusion, Do you think that Nintendo has let you down? Whats future in Nintendo lies after SSBB (Except family games)?

No. I don't think Nintendo has forgotten the people who helped them achieve thier success. I think those people have gotten older and moved on or went to the Playstation. Those Players have been replaced by the next generation, and I feel that generation has forgotten Nintendo. So Nintendo moved on to create a new audaince. I mean, Nintendo got stomped by Sony for two succeeding generations! They were in such bad shape, people thought it would end up like Sega; out of the console market, becoming a third party.

I think it's not so much Nintendo, but third parties not taking them or the Wii seriuosly. The Wii gets poorly adapted ports from older systems, while the Big Guns and made for Sony and Microsoft. Ubisoft Has allready admitted to making Games for the Wii to cash in on it's success and using the money made from these quickly thown together Wii games to fund Big games for the XBox 360 and Playstation3. How many other developers are doing this?

In addition. I think the developers and, even Nintendo, was cought off gaurd by the Runaway success of the Wii. So it all goes back to it not being taken seriously from the beginning; so the developers put all or most of their talent and funding into PS3 and 360 development. Once they saw that the Wii was getting somewhere, they all scrambled to get something on it to cash in. As a result, Wii get hastily thrown together games and ports with tacked on Wii controls. This is the reason I think there aren't many serious or high quality games on the Wii.

I think they are coming though. Nintendo hasn't forotten us.

Knowing Ninty, They got somthin up thier sleeves. They allways do this. They never give up to much info till the right moment, than BAM! Alla y'all will get some pretty big suprises in the coming months. Keep the faith and be paitent.
You'll see.
I don't think they've let people down as such. Nintendo was always been about Mario and Zelda and at one point Street Fighter II (Snes) and then Goldeneye (N64).

Zelda has already happened. Mario has just been released with Galaxy on the way, SSBB is in keeping with a classic title but up to date and still has that Japanese/Manga feel which made some Nintendo games so good.

If anything the people that have let the Wii owners down are the thrid party developers that have been slow to produce some quality FPS/Action games, which is where the Wii would excel.
IMO, the Halo - calibre games for the Wii are just around the corner. Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 are going to be massive. Nintendo just really need to hurry up and release them. Metroid Prime 3 should have come out this month in Australia, instead they make us wait 2 months.

The good games for the Wii are coming thick and fast. I've worked out that I will be buying 9 games in 1 and a half months. Thats a little bit silly really, they should have been spread out a bit more.
^mp3 is already a huge hit in the u.s.^

I think we all just need to be patient. Now that developers have noticed how fast the wii is selling, they WILL start developing some good games for it.

As for the games coming this holiday season, I'm excited for a lot of games(SSBB, SMG, BWII, etc.) one thing i would like to see though is more good online fps's coming out (hopefully MOH will be)
think of it like PS1 vs N64 in reverse.

developers expect the 360 and PS3 to be excellent and Wii to be overlooked. however, the Wii is cheaper to make for and it has an excellent install base. i think in 2008 we'll see the third-party excellents shoot up and Ninty will be contempt to make Mario Kart, Star Fox, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, and F-Zero (if Shiggy will allow it).
Trulen said:
Otherwise, this is another, "I want Xbox/Playstation-type games" thread.

I feel the same way. My attitude is if you want XBox360 or PS3 type games, than go buy the console with those types of games. The Wii is what it is. No amount of complaining or wishing is gonna change that.

This is why there are THREE choices on the market. Get what you like and enjoy!
I get sick of people whining about the lack of great games on the Wii. Did the 360 have GOW, Bioshock or Halo 3 available at launch? Did the Ps3 have Warhawk or MGS4 at launch? No they had a load of crap for a year.

Wii has had some pretty good games so far and still has big titles coming this year. Zelda TP, Mp3, Mario Galaxy and SSBB all in 1 year, what other console has had such big name games out so quickly? Do you think next year that they will only release Mario Kart? Of course not, they will keep producing their great games and by then the 3rd parties should be catching up too.

People just dont know when theyve got it good.

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