has anyone noticed this about "new" link??

who said the Tri-force isnt in the game??? o0o0o i loved MM but i definatley think OoT was better.....and in MM i thought it was really gay when you get all the masks then finally get the final mask that transforms u into i believe Fierce Diety Link.....i thought it was really gay that you could only be Fierce Diety Link in boss fights...
Yeah, I Noticed The Triforce On A Trailer, But When He Has Gloves On, You Cant Tell
with deity link, it was only in boss battles, because it was only a renmant of links past.
and with the gloves, if the triforce was glowing (like it should), you would e able to see the light through the glove and links wolf fur.
OOS had a brief moment where the triforce was there. IT was in the beginning where Link was teleported to that other world. I don't know about OOA though, never played it.

BTW, I was already sure that the triforce was gonna be there. If there was Princess Zelda, then there's the triforce.
We know the triforce is there, the point is that not many ppl(probably)knew this little detail.
Diomedes said:
and with the gloves, if the triforce was glowing (like it should), you would e able to see the light through the glove and links wolf fur.
I thought it only glows when it was actually used
Jakobthelyre said:
okay well majoras mask was a pointless game then. i mean seroiusly... who plays video games anyways? pshhhhhhhhh

uhh every1 on this f@#king forum. if u don't play video games then y the hell r u here??
I think he was being sarcastic ^_^'

In other news, I changed my sig to qualify w/ the rules:D I know it's nothing flashy, but I made it w/ Paint and it matches my avatar:p
You made it in paint? pretty good job.

Btw, if the 3 godesess are in a Zelda game, the trifore is involved in more ways than I, even if the game doesn't even mentions it.

The triforce was in MM because the triforce of courage in infused within link, thus the triforce was involved.
How can the triforce not be in every sure it might not be the whole centre point of the game but its still there within Link