Harry Potter: OoTP Tonight


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Nov 5, 2006
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Wii Online Code
Me and my friends have been reading the books ever since we were youngsters so we are super psyched to see OoTP our favorite book in movie form tonight.

Me and my friend actually made a facebook event for the midnight showing and we actually ordered so many tickets online for people who gave us money the theatre decided to open up a 5th showing at midnight so we pretty much got a screening just for our group.

Should be fun.
whoa...Vagrant..... I would have never expected.....and I thought all the deathly Hallows jokes were sarcasm.

have fun.
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Spiderking13 said:
And I thought vagrant wasn't a nerd...

To be honest I don't really read any books. I just liked Harry Potter because a lot of my friends were into it every since we were younger.

Plus this girl I have been kind of seeing is friends with all of my friends and is going.
lucky i have to wait until 2moz 4 uk release :( but at least im going delux and early in the day.
I never liked the harry potter series but it sounds fun to go with a bunch of freinds and its only you :wink:
Well I started reading the 5th book on Monday night in preperation for the movie, I forgot how angry Harry got lol !
The new harry potter movie looks pretty good, I am going to go see it or either get it on copy... if I can and I already have Die Hard 4.0, awesome movie
saw it 2day and it was ****ing great so much better and darker than the last. but they missed so much out of the book.

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