EA today released five new screenshots and a new trailer from the much-anticipated new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 game, which is due to be released on all major consoles, including the Wii, on July 12. The trailer, entitled “War is Coming,” shows Harry and his allies searching for all the remaining Horcruxes so that they can destroy them in order to weaken Voldemort’s power, as well as showing them attempting to shore up Hogwarts defences. *At the same time, Voldemort’s dark army is shown to be amassing at Hogwarts’ very gates, hell bent on getting rid of Harry and the gang once and for all.
In the game, players not only get to play as Harry, but also as eight iconic Wizard heroes, with each playing their part to defeat the Dark Lord. Joining Harry in this do or die quest are Ron, Hermione, Neville, Seamus, Ginny, Molly and the powerful Professor McGonagall. The fate of the Wizarding world rests in theirs, and yours, triumph or failure. No pressure!