Hardest Stage


Official Breeder.
Mar 16, 2007
Wii Online Code
What was the hardest moment for you in SPG??

I never had problems with any stage (even the Trial Galaxies were easy, except the last round of bubble) but I had problems with one.

Galaxy: Dreadnaught

Well... I can say officially I hate that stage. I had 119 stars,,, and the 120th was Purple Coins... Darn... I've lost around 50 lives... I hated that stage so much... once, I died in the last jump, when you have 99 coins... :eek:
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You're talking about the Dreadnought Galaxy. Yeah, that one is my hardest stage too. The purple coin challenge is almost impossible! :cryin:
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Yeah... I wanted to crush the tv with the wiimote (then people say is wii's fault)

Now I have 120 starts and

The problem is...

I will must do that stupid stage again... arghhhh
dreadnaught purple coins was ok for me but a wasted many lives on the toy galaxy purple coins (luigi planetoid) and also for some reason the purple coins on the desert level took me forever....
I had trouble last night with that level where you have nothing but platforms and they are ice/fire. I kept falling off the platforms skating too fast, lost like 4 lifes.
Hmmm...my hardest level....was...I guess it was The Molten Lava Level where you have to roll the ball through meteors and the big wheel thing...pissed me off...Thie trick is to go fast.
the purple coins on the luigi are still getting to me...i've lost tons of lives on that one...the next hardest one was the dreadnaught purple coins...i was so happy when i finally got it:)
Yea, I started the purple coins last night, and am at 112 stars I think. I started doing the Dreadnaught one, and missed seven coins on the way to the end. I was thinking the platform would start pathing back so I could get the other seven, but it didn't :lol: . I failed again on my second try. On my third attempt, I got all coins except the three that are over top of the last electrified barriers. So I did a crouch jump, snagged the first one while being electrocuted, was able to then jump off the electrified barrier during the few seconds you're invulnerable after taking a hit, and grab the other two before being pulled back to the platform.
Bridgemute said:
the purple coins on the luigi are still getting to me...i've lost tons of lives on that one...the next hardest one was the dreadnaught purple coins...i was so happy when i finally got it:)

i also thought the luigi purple coins were hard. there are 150 coins on there so you don't need all of them. just make sure you don't use up all the green spaces where you start because that is where the star comes. to make it easier if you have a second wiimote the second player can hold those green spots from leaving. hope that helps a little

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