Hardest dungeon in the zelda series?

The hardest temple was the Water Temple in OoT:Master Quest but the funniest for me was the Colosseum temple in TP. I just loved the spinner.
in OOT it was the shadow temple the water temple only took me like 2 hours at most.

in majoras mask it was the fourth place mostly just getting there lol

and so far im only at the water temple and the both the goron mines and the forest temle were about the same easiness.
Funny how everyone says water temple. IMO that wasn't hard - it took me 3 hours to finish it. Mind you the boss is pretty challenging.

The hardest temple would have to be the Ice temple/Ganon's tower in ALttP. Unfortuantely I played ALttP on computer and never finished Ganon's tower coz that was just ridiculously hard to finish. I'm going to try and finish it on the Wii when ALttP is released in Australia. 3 days to go.
Grr, pressing start just to take your boots on or off every 2 seconds. GRRRRR. Most annoying and hardest temple would just have to be the Water Temple.
Maybe it's just me but I think hardest/most annoying temples by far where in Zelda 2 thus it remains only Zelda game I own that I have not finished. On other hand I never really found water temple in oot hard.

edit: Allso some stuff in Legend of Zelda 1 was quite hard but maybe thats because I was quite young at that time. =)
I don't see why everyone says that the Water Temple in OoT is so hard? I finished that easy! Oh, and there's no Water temple in TP. It's Lakebed Temple. And the Fire Temple is the Goron Mines. Get it through your heads that these dungeons have other names in TP!

I never got to the Shadow Temple Boss in OoT. That dungeon was soooo confusing.