Happy Xmas :D


Wii Whore
Dec 20, 2006
Wii Online Code
I have been signed up to Wii chat for a few days now and thought i should quickly drop in here and introduce my Wii self :p

I got a Wii on launch and have been completely addicted since i got it, I'm not a Nintendo, 360, PS3 or PC fan boi i just love gaming.
I'm an old skool Neo Geo fan boy to be completely honest (omg shows my age :yikes: ) So if any one fancy chat please feel free to add me to your friends just PM if you do so i can add you :D

I wish all of you a Merry Xmas & a happy new year and too anyone who thinks they may have a Wii under the Xmas tree your in for a very special Xmas :smilewinkgrin:

Happy gaming :crazy:

Hmmm another Neo geo/SNK fan (only ever had the poket)

Edit :
That soding bird again
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Yes i did use to collect neo games on the Aes and Mvs but i had to sell it all a few years back, it was a very sad day tbh :(

I'm very much looking forward to the metal slug release on Wii wished they would hurry up and release it in the UK already tho :(
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On the Wii i only have Wii sports (obviously :p) Wii play, Red Steel, Zelda and another copy of Zelda which is a limited edition version only 200 of them were made for the launch in London at HMV i left that baby sealed :D

What games have you got? and what are you looking forward to being released?
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you getting yours xmas day? you will love Zelda and wii sports is good fun. Red steel is a marmite game you will either love it or hate it :D

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