Happy WiiMotion Plus Release Day!!!


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
Today should be remembered as the 1st day of the WiiMotion Plus era. Thanks to Nintendo, Sega, and EA, 1:1 motion control gaming begins today w/ Virtual Tennis. In a few days, both Grand Slam Tennis and Tiger are both released. Next month is Wii Sports Resort. The Wiimote functionalites was great but finally we get to experience what the Wii and 1:1 motion control is all about.

Talk about your impressions here after you've played w/ it and GOT THE HANG OF IT. Are you dissappointed, impressed, or not sure cuz more software needs to comes out?

This thread is all about the controls.
I have got my motionplus yet, tomorrow I will with Tiger woods PGA '09, EA Sports grand slam tennis (i'll review those games with t Indiana Jones later i'll review the Conduit and maybe the Resident Evil Archives and Virtua Tennis '09
I called my local Gamestop a few minutes ago, where I have deposits on Grand Slam Tennis, VirtualTennis 2009, and two WiiMotionPlus controls. They have VirtuaTennis in stock, but said the others are due to arrive tomorrow. So I'll pick everything up tomorrow after I get off of work around 3:30.

I was going to order everything from Amazon.com too but all their ship dates said June 15th, and I wasn't going to wait that long to save $5.

still waiting on mine aswell. i love the expectant feeling! cant wait.
My patience failed. I went over at lunch and picked up VirtuaTennis 2009. I'll go start a thread on it...

ive been playing it at work quite a bit, im in love with it, tiger woods that is. our demo has converted people away from ps3 and 360 versions in an instant after trying both. havent played grand slam yet
cant wait for wii sports resort, red steel 2 and more. this is nintendo's chance to redeem its self as not being just a shovelware console.
I say we celebrate 9/09 every year, 2 days before 9/11.

I've been so addicted to Tiger Woods, its $20 not $30 for motion plus and you should really be able to pick up a bundle on one at least (Tiger Woods, Grand Slam Tennis, Resort) getting your first for $10. If you have friends who are going to be over all the time and play with you then getting more can get expensive one is enough for me so I have no complaints. $10 for it in a bundle is nothing for how sweet it makes Tiger Woods.

(Unless you mean its $30 in UK or something, which blows if that's the case)
Improves the senitivity of the wiimote. Makes your actions with it more accurate. In Tiger 10, the most noticeable thing to me is, if your wrists are turned when your club strikes the ball. It only works with games that were designed with the motion + incorporated when they made the game, so there's only a few games out the use it I think.

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