Happy birthday

HAHA biggest troll award!!...lol jk

but seriously this is a really good idea. I can't wait to find out whats going to happen.

What was the date this site was established?
Ill come on and post to one of the 1000 spammed Happy Birthday Wiichat posts people will make. Thats about it. :p
Maybe there could be an update to the site, like, if possible, since this forum is based on the Wii, something like a Wii point update (either a deal with Nintnedo or points to earn up to a 2000 point Wii points card or something) or maybe a raffle or something

Also the site could use a little lift, I mean it's not bad, but it could use a splash of color

And maybe for the occasion, a picture or animation (drawing) of a cake

or just something in our sigs, but I hardly update my sig, so, eh, idk
Sounds awsome. Good idea. Awards would be cool too, and we the people vote? Nominate?
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every one sounds like their excited about this and i for one are one of them ;)
Hmm..with the whole awards thing.. I think the winner of the most valued member should get to have the red mushroom.

Then the other winners get's something along those lines like on their custom title.

What you think?
sorry to bump old topics, but do you think this will actually come into play considering its now the middle of april and we havent heard a word of this since march???? :yikes:
We got about 10 days left - i'll give it some thought this weekend about what we can do.

Keep the suggestions coming :)
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sovieto=teh brainstormin' god
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