Happy Birthday To Me

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12 year old pokemon fan

emmalovepokemon or wtvr her name is
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Lol thanks a lot
and my birthday is still on
You see i was born at 10:00pm on 13th may
so it last till ten am today
hey kiwi is your avatar from american history X?

thats like my favorite movie (never have i ever had the hotts for a nazi before lmao)

anyways, cammy you SURE they arent from wiichat? :ihih:
The_Loose_Cannon said:
hey kiwi is your avatar from american history X?

thats like my favorite movie (never have i ever had the hotts for a nazi before lmao)

anyways, cammy you SURE they arent from wiichat? :ihih:
Yes, finally i found somebody that likes this movie.

Best movie ever imo. :lol:
Pffft... I'm not buying you something that you can see for free on the internet.
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