Hannah Montanna Game

SSBBFan101 people are allowed to have different opinions to you. This guy likes Hannah Montana, no big deal. Kherrek508 please find something meaningful to post, this is the second time I've seen you post "fail" without actually contributing to the thread. To the original poster, here is a little info I found on IGN:

IGN said:
In Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour for the Wii, players tour the world as the pop princess herself and live the dream of rock stardom. Players dance with their Wii controllers as Hannah dances with you on stage to earn devoted fans worldwide. Off stage, players design the look of each show, including stage settings and wardrobe, and even special effects and pyrotechnics.
Some people dont get it when trolls post
Some people like these kind of games, but I think this guy is being sarcastic.

He is teh phail :lol:
wow..................who new, even hanna montanna can have a game.....why not me
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This is the life
Hold on tight
This is the dream
Its all i need

You never know where u'll find it
but im gunna take my time YEAH!!!


dude she is hawt, game of the year!.

Is there any reviews for this, cause i cant find any
koorangakai said:
yea, you got a problem with my video game preferences u sick f%6k?
u dont appreciate the fact that i like video games different to you u stupid insensitive piece of sh*t??

you have a problem with me personally....


hey, i said i didn't mean to flame, just i was being real and honest.
Accually, the people who said that the person who wanted the game didnt have a life, YOU DONT HAVE A LIFE. People can just aswell criticize you for liking SSBB even though its unlikely but seriously, maybe he/she is underaged and just wants a little twist to the gaming world.

Im not saying that the people who play other games more commonly are stupid...but seriously guys. Its a free world, let people chose. If they like it, they like it. Just offer feedback instead of making a flame war, as this has already become
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aIStriker said:
Accually, the people who said that the person who wanted the game didnt have a life, YOU DONT HAVE A LIFE. People can just aswell criticize you for liking SSBB even though its unlikely but seriously, maybe he/she is underaged and just wants a little twist to the gaming world.

And so they buy a game thats a mix of mini games Wario ware Its not like theres other disney games on the wii
SSBBFan101 said:
u have no life. get a real game like gh3, mp3, smg, ztp, or ssbb!
no one cares about hannah montana, she is just on a little gay disney channel show. what does she do? shop for clothes? is she shopping bag lady? wtf? does she talk to her girlfriends? what? i wanna know, cause if ya ask me, those videogames are pieces of **** for gay little annoying kids who think they are all that. not to flame, but seriously.

Whoa.. That was a bit harsh, buddy. :) Lol.
Well, I did see the Logitech Wii Microphone already selling in stores..

Kherrek508 said:
This thread fails.

Totally agree.

And uhm, why didn't you just search it up, if it was avalible? IGN ... Gamestop ... etc?
I saw this thread and about passed out...HANNAH MONTANNA RULES!!! I'm not sure I'm gonna get the game though...or will I :shifty:
im getting it for sure, looks like a great game

singing, dancing jumping around, pure fun

its what video games are meant to be

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