Hands-on with Mario Kart Wii (Verdict: Game is great, Wheel is rubbish)

castlezelda said:
i wnted to see voice chat like a ear piece, but i won't want some punk-ass 19 or 10 or 11 year old trash talking wanna be. but mari kort will be great i bet on it, whens a release date, gamestop has no date for release. if there was voice chat wouldn't want any kid talking trash saying "yo, punk-bi*ch i just f*cked up your sh*ty ass, so what you gonna do now, WHAT NOW F*CKER"

Sadly, that's the reason why Nintendo is hesitant to add voice chat to Wii. Because the Wii is supposed to be family friendly, they don't want a 16 year old wannabe cussing the hell out of a lil kid.

They should add a disclaimer just like they do with all the Wii Remote warnings for online and add voice chat.

"Warning: gaming experience (and ESRB rating) may change during online play. Little boys who don't have the balls to say **** to your face will suddenly turn into scarface and cuss the hell outta you."
idjut said:
there will be an art to it... like driving in real life:
when making a left turn you don't turn so sharp that you need to feel the steering wheel stop when trurning far left.

Well the turning will be similar to what it is in other games like Need For Speed, you only need to slightly tilt the remote left and right to turn in either direction.

Like you said, it won't take big gestures to turn, and the wheel is a nice add on.
Sometimes you don't have as much grip with just the Wiimote sideways, so having a wheel is a bit of a help.

Plus to the people complaining, the wheel comes with it.
No one said you have to use it.
Lol Caliko you know what I meant :D

But, Im not afraid of motion controls, but if im going to use a wheel I want it to feel real. Using a Wii-mote has no resistance like when driving a car when turning the wheel. I would use a 3rd party periphial though. But then again... for a game like Mario Kart I rather use a controller. Other racing games are more simulated which using a racing wheel would be fun.

But since Wii-mote is free hand, where you hold it in the air turning it, it just isnt right. Its like removing a steering wheel from a car and turning it in the air. I would rather it be mounted with resistance to it.

Not sure if you understand what I mean, it'ss hard to explain, especially if you don't already own a car (don't know how old you are).
AoWFraggit said:
castlezelda, you're EXACTLY the sort of person nintendo doesn't want to give voice chat to.


why would i care of they added voice or not? its mario its family fun.
If Nintendo were to be so stupid to the point where they didn't have a mute option then they deserve to suffer hardware sales lol.

Anyway, i rather have some random guy talk trash to me every once in a while than to not have voice chat at all.
agreed. and they could easily set up a parental controls thing so that voice chat doesnt work at all in the game, to protect them little virgin ears that have never heard the f bomb before. I wouldnt mind some idiot yelling at me, making me have to mute him in order to have voice chat.
T3kNi9e said:
Lol Caliko you know what I meant :D

But, Im not afraid of motion controls, but if im going to use a wheel I want it to feel real. Using a Wii-mote has no resistance like when driving a car when turning the wheel. I would use a 3rd party periphial though. But then again... for a game like Mario Kart I rather use a controller. Other racing games are more simulated which using a racing wheel would be fun.

But since Wii-mote is free hand, where you hold it in the air turning it, it just isnt right. Its like removing a steering wheel from a car and turning it in the air. I would rather it be mounted with resistance to it.

Not sure if you understand what I mean, it'ss hard to explain, especially if you don't already own a car (don't know how old you are).

I understand the resistance thing. But how would using a control stick feel more real than a free hand wheel?? Have you ever played Excite Truck?? If not then go rent it before you reply.
crazyman2 said:
agreed. and they could easily set up a parental controls thing so that voice chat doesnt work at all in the game, to protect them little virgin ears that have never heard the f bomb before. I wouldnt mind some idiot yelling at me, making me have to mute him in order to have voice chat.

Nice idea. It would also be cool if they added compatability with those bluetooth ear pieces used with cell phones. It would be accessible and cater to the masses that already own them.
Ya. it would be kinda like what they did with keyboards, making most compatable with the wii. they could just do the same with headsets. or even if they just wanna make their own to make a quick buck off me id be happy wit that too
Caliko said:
I hope so. I will prolly be using the Wiimote w/out the Wheel if that's the case.

I'm actually starting to get annoyed by gamecube controller compatibility. It's like Nintendo is taking a step back instead of looking forward. This gives more reason for critics to call the Wii remote a "gimick" and also slows down the adoption of motion sensing and gives developers another reason to be lazy.

Some games are just not meant to use the motion control. Dont get me wrong i love the wiimote but i would completely hate Brawl or Mario Kart with the wiimote its just not my thing. Driving games need a stick they need the resistance the wiimote wont give you the feel of actually driving and you will over turn way to much. As for games like brawl they require more buttons then the wiimote has. There would be way to many different motions to make the motion control work. Most games work with the wiimote but these two genres just dont seem to work at least to me in my head.
crazyman2 said:
agreed. and they could easily set up a parental controls thing so that voice chat doesnt work at all in the game, to protect them little virgin ears that have never heard the f bomb before. I wouldnt mind some idiot yelling at me, making me have to mute him in order to have voice chat.

lol they already have parent controls for "User to User online chat" in the parental controls....makes you wonder...
well there you go then.... ya it definitly makes you wonder. gotta be a reason, even if its a future reason, for that being there no?...
Belmont said:
Some games are just not meant to use the motion control. Dont get me wrong i love the wiimote but i would completely hate Brawl or Mario Kart with the wiimote its just not my thing. Driving games need a stick they need the resistance the wiimote wont give you the feel of actually driving and you will over turn way to much. As for games like brawl they require more buttons then the wiimote has. There would be way to many different motions to make the motion control work. Most games work with the wiimote but these two genres just dont seem to work at least to me in my head.

Again this doesn't seem to work to me in my head. I've been playing racing games since NES so I've tried all control schemes even the arcade wheels, and the jump from analog stick to motion sensing racing is like 480i to 1080p. The jump is HUGE!! And I still don't understand how a GC analog stick feels more real than actual hand, arm, and body gestures. I don't know what country ya'll are from, but over here he don't drive with our thumbs.

Like I told t3kni9e, don't reply until you've played Excite Truck. That will eliminate any speculation in your head.

Also, Brawl DOES use the Wii Remote ruling out your "not enough buttons" theory.
I have a force feedback USB racing wheel for my computer. It would be nice if I could hook it up to place racing games on Wii. Not this one in particular, but just racing games in general.