Halo Wars

Nah it wouldn't, because as a PC game Halo Wars is pathetic in comparison to other RTS games. It doesn't have enough depth for it to be successful.

agreed. in order to make it work on a console they really had to make it a simple game.
as i said :)

anyway yeah on topic spinty ill play with you. not tried co-op campaign yet.

but 2v2 is soo fun
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Sure, I'll give you a game at some point if you add me and I'll add you next time I'm online.

I've heard co-op campaign isn't all that hot.
Screenshots make it look like it's a lot RTS'y than it should be. There's never more than like, 20 units on screen, and the lack of a PC port just makes it seem lackluster all around.

If it was on PC no one would touch it. We don't want some kiddie noob-friendly basics RTS.
So... basically it's actually a pretty bad game?

I'm surprised it got reviewed so well if it would be a complete failure on PC...
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So... basically it's actually a pretty bad game?

I'm surprised it got reviewed so well if it would be a complete failure on PC...

In my opinion it's a pretty good game. It's got the best controls you could really ever expect from a console. But yes, compared to a PC RTS it has nothing like the same level of complexity. It's simple but still very enjoyable.
God i love this game soo much just checked my in game hours
225 hours 35 minutes 12 seconds

bought both DLC's for it aswell. not quite worth 800 Points but fun in there own ways.
i just wish it was more popular with you guys on here.

id love to play online with some of you sometimes

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