Halo 360 Ugly

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Yellow_Wii said:
you can say the same thing about the ps3 because the majoritory of ps3 games are on the 360, viseversa.

have you not played gears!
He is talking about the press conference. He is saying that almost everything that they showed there was multiplatform, not that all the games on it are.

everything in that picture looks ****ing ugly
hmmm maybe it's teh fact that the pink controller is beside the barfy xbox

the keyboard looks decent i guess, though it's hard to **** up a keyboard design, you need a great amount of negative skill
mushroomedmario said:
it's not as bad as it could have been(still would rather have the original xbox 360 design)

but i read that no one clapped after they introduced it, is this true paintballer

cause that is hilarious

That is true i saw Peter Moore stare at a thousand people like an idiot. He looked like he just **** his pants too. Then he tried to make a joke that no one laughed about but himself.
Thechickenman27 said:
That is true i saw Peter Moore stare at a thousand people like an idiot. He looked like he just **** his pants too. Then he tried to make a joke that no one laughed about but himself.

Yup, funniest part of E3! :lol:
paintba||er said:
At the Microsoft press conference they showed they will have a new Halo 360 that is army green. I think it looks like ass. What do you guys think.
omg yes...
who would want to buy it?
it wouldve been better if they released like a blueish blackish one, or even a forest green.
paintba||er said:

Yes....yes you are...........


Aw well... i think the colour is really nice and that the gold/tan metallic tray looks very 'Halo' ^^

but whatever... if you don't like it... don't get it.

I wont be getting it... because...

duh... what's the point... i already have a 360... why'd i want to get a shitty SE? just for the sake of some content and a paint job?

Only good think about the Elite is HDMI and 120GB HD ^^

Only good thing about this is the fact it looks pretty cool.