Animal Collective
It took them long enough.

It looks like Microsoft may add one more title to its Platinum Hits line of budget games—Halo 2. Curiously missing from the line of best-sellers and still ringing up for $29.99 US at many retailers, the "Best Selling Xbox Game Ever" may finally be slashed all the way down to $19.99 when it's saddled with a shiny silver border. Yup, it's time to finally pounce. Pounce, people!
As the box art tells us, Halo 2 plays on Xbox 360, so you really have no reason for it not having a place in your gaming library. Me? I still have plenty of reasons.
No date on this one yet, as we came across it on one of Microsoft's marketing sites. The question: why now? We're asking Microsoft to find out.