Just got my 360 and.... (Halo 2 question)


Semper Ubi Sub Ubi
Nov 26, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
So I got my 360 (FINALLY!) and I didn't have the money on me to buy Halo3 or COD4 so right now I'm trying to get Halo2 online.

Am I going to have to download all these effing map packs before I can play? And do they still play the classic Halo 2 maps?

I've never owned an X-box, the only reason I have Halo 2 is cause my brother had it. I'm not too familiar with the Halo scene, and I was wondering if you guys could fill me in on the deal with the map packs here.

thanks d00dz
In order to play in all of the online playlists available, you're going to have to download all of the map packs. Fortunately, their all free. So you wont have to worry about spending any money on the maps.
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Ah alright. I'm already on pack 3 of 4. That one with 5 maps took a while.

This should tie me over till I get COD4
Oh and to answer your final question, you will still see the classic maps such as Midship, Lockout, Coagulation etc in matchmaking.

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