Hacks on Wi-fi?


retired competive brawler
Nov 14, 2009
shhh....BoZ is watching... XD
Wii Online Code
I was online one time, playing basic brawl, and then, (i joined up with another fighter)
my "partner"
started using wario man and giga-bowser in basic brawl
he kept on pwning the crap otta' everyone except for me:wink:

but then, as he was wario man, at the end of the round, the game froze.

WTF?? :confused:

how do you make the hacks work on wi-fi and why did the game freeze?
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sorry for the double post. but does anyone know how to get AR and play it online with anyone?
my friend tried. but he can't.
I played as Yellow KB last night since I haven't Brawled in a while.
And the Hacks started. I got a couple cool stages like the target and complete black stage.
It's cool it happens. It makes the game more special.
This used to happen a lot when I played and suddenly stopped.
Glad I got to catch the special last night ;-)
ive thought about homebrew but if i make a misstake them my wii becomes a paper weight and im not risking that.

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