Hacking in Brawl?

I've been waiting for this thread to crop up, wi-fi on the DS was just torture with tonnes of hackers. I don't know how they do it, I don't want to know. In fact, why they would want to cheat with not much of a match is beyond me, it doesn't prove anything to anyone.

Apparently, it's happened in Strikers as well, so I suppose I'm expecting some dorks to hack into the system for Brawl. But then again, this game still gives you a fighting chance of a win. Maybe the no ranking system will put them off, I hope that works.
hah maybe they should have made SSBB for a mac. j/k but i didnt know (or think) people would be hacking nintendo games.
I really don't care.
I don't buy games for wifi, I buy games for the awesomness that they are. If you and others want to focus on Wifi only, be my guest but I'll be playing both.
Frogger said:
Single player? I think more people are focussed on online play to be honest.
+1. single player is going to be good but with online play as long as it isnt run by hackers will make the replay value of the game endless.
Meh, so be it. It's honestly un-escapable, but if it happens, so what? Just drop your controller, go get something to eat, and come back. Don't give them the pleasure of you trying to fight back and get knocked back down, if they know that you won't even play because they hack, they'll get bored (most likely).
Ah, yes, that's what I was talking about in my online rankings thread (in order to prevent hacking match people up with people around there level, and have a system for suspensions/bans from online play...)

Hopefully nobody releases any hacks/cheats for it within the first year at least...
Actually, I think Nintendo will try their best to keep hackers out at this point. They kept people from hacking the shop channel and they might have a trick or two up their sleeves.
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It won't be that big of an issue for many of us.
roflmfao.....Hacking brawl would probaly be godlike....thats when Action replay comes out in febru....WHOAH!! AR for the wii is coming out right on the same time Brawl is coming out!...wtf? o_O nearly forgot about the date!

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