Guys Guys U Must See This Website!!!

what game is Sadness? ive seen it around a lot and ive even seen a comercial for it but i have no idea what its about...
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Darkprinny said:
You wana take a console on your hols why get out there and have fun (or buy a ds)

i already have a ds dicknose! who wouldn't?
Sameiru said:
i already have a ds dicknose! who wouldn't?

mongy twonk take that instead if you take a conlsoe on hol all youll do is play that
Seriously, if I had a DS I would buy MP, Mario Kart, Custom Robo and Animal crossing(yes I would get it) and a couple more games and I would be satisfied for like 20 vacations.
I've never even heard of this game till this thread, so I have no clue. I'll just say it's rated T:cool:
deity_link said:
Its really tiny when compared to the other consoles, but then again size isn't everything.
That's what I've been telling girls for years but it never seems to help:( .

Wow! I can't beleive how small and slimline the Wii is! With the Wii an the DS Lite Nintendo is becoming the Apple of Video gaming:D !

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