Gunstar Heros


Bat Out Of Hell
Dec 28, 2006
Wii Online Code
so i took alot of your guys advice towards other people on here and downloaded gunstar heros with out ever playing it before. and i have to say thats the most badass vc game ever. and anyone else who is wondering which games to download, gunstar heros is a must.
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its pretty much a wayyy better version of metal slug.
I agree, I downloaded it, not really knowing what it was, just going off of hearsay from people on the forums saying they were really looking forward to it, it is just such great fun, especially multiplayer.
The only game I have down loaded
No mater how meny times I have played it it never gets dull
im stuck in ,and can't stand the side scrolling space shooter level. The gameplay changes from what you get use in the whole game ,and makes it harder. ill get past it someday. lol
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i cant get past the the boss on the helicopter/
Lobstermobster said:
i cant get past the the boss on the helicopter/
Witch part
Main boss hang bellow the wing then swing up when he gets near
Green + blue line shot best weapon combo
It locks on and stays locked on
Green + Green second best

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