Guns and swords...with some points

video game master

Wiichat Killer
Mar 1, 2007
In a box next to my nieghbor mainbox
Wii Online Code
In this tread you will be asked certaint questions and i will post your answers. You can answer all none or only some, but hwatever your answer is i post unless it is completely of topic (example of off topic : Favorite gun: boozoka)

This is only for fun please don't post rude comments

You may ask me to edit an answer at any time

First question:
What two guns do you like to have?
I Always like to have:
with me whenver i can

Second question:
I use garnades: (A lot, somtimes, never)

Third question:
I will pick up a ____ [gun from first question] as long as it has ___ bullets
I will pick up a ____ [scond gun for first question] as long as it has __ bullets

Fourth question:
Have you ever ran out of bullets for both guns:
If so you:
until you got at least a: (type of gun...if it was the first gun you found type in first)

Fifth question
I am __ % done with my first game, __% done with my second, and __% with my tihrd

Sixth quest
I have ____ respect points

seventh question:
I have gotten the rank samuri ___ times

Eight question:
In the shooting range the lastest gun unlocked was the ___

Ninth question:
My lastest sword move unlocked is the ____

10th question:
I like your tread (you can't change the answer)

Answers to 1:
First question: Video Game master
What two guns do you like to have?
I Always like to have: Sniper
and: Type 12
with me whenver i can

Answers to 2:

Second question: Video game master
I use garnades: A lot

Answers to 3:
Third question: Video game master
I will pick up a sniper [gun from first question] as long as it has 1 bullets
I will pick up a type 12 [scond gun for first question] as long as it has 6 bullets

Answers to 4:
Fourth question: Video game master
Have you ever ran out of bullets for both guns: Yes
If so you: stabbed people
until you got at least a: type 89

Answers to 5:

Answers to 6:

Answers to 7:
seventh question: Video game master
I have gotten the rank samuri 0 times

Answers to 8:
Eight question: video game master
In the shooting range the lastest gun unlocked was the sniper

Answers to 9:
Ninth question:
My lastest sword move unlocked is the scorpain's kiss

Answers to 10:
Yes by everyone

Please just copy and paste the questions then fill in the answers!!! Also in shooting range questions and in sword questions please don't tel the moves you can unlock or the guns you can. For instance if you don't have 80% people down on 1 gun then don't put that gun down because its not in your weapon shed at the bar

Now for the only wrapped spoiler which shows the amount of respect points needed to unlock the ___ gun in the shooting range and the ___ move in the other place
| 1 | Colt .45 | Standing Scorpion |
| 2 | Uzi | Little Scorpion |
| 3 | Benelli M4 Shotgun | --- |
| 4 | MP 412 Russian Revolver | Thunder |
| 5 | Type 89 Assault Rifle | Damage bonus +25% |
| 6 | Type 12 Assault Shotgun | Golden Hammer |
| 7 | M40 | --- |
| 8 | MP7 PDW Submachine Gun | Scorpion's Kiss |
| 9 | AE Sniper Rifle | --- |
| 10 | SCAR | Damage Bonus +50% |
spoiler copied from svp999 faq

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