Gun Ban Proposal

last i checked, people kill people. if someone gets mad enough, they will find a way, knife, bat, car, piano wire, 2X4, even their own bare hands.

a gun will not fire on it's own unless misshandled or tampered with. if you load a pistol, pull the hammer back, and set it on a table, it will not fire. the chances of that gun fireing is slim to none (unless like an earthquake happens with a hair trigger, even then small chance). there's a better chance of the gun powder going bad.

No one's going into Virginia Tech and killing 32 people with their bare hands, though.
Again, it's not the guns, those kids were messed up well before that. It's America, honestly. I don't know why you'd people not rather jump on the entire country, rather than just a single aspect of it.
If someone wanted to they could kill 32 people with a pick up truck just as easily.
isnt there a no gun law in D.C.??? hasnt crime gone up in the past 40 years or something?? i heard that on the radio awhile back.
I believe you're right.

Also, I'll leave this here... (for the third time)

I like this quote.

Twelve years after it began, Kennesaw's experiment in crime control does not present itself as an easy way to arrest the killing in America's streets. It does, however, suggest where the problem doesn't lie. As Mayor Stephenson told a national gun rally in Kennesaw a few years back, "We're the town that proves more guns doesn't have to mean more crime."

It's not really leaning one way or the other, and those are the most insightful.