Guitar Hero III Lag Issue?

Shiraz said:
Oh, and another thing....entering cheat codes flat out doesn't work either! I tried various codes found on the net and none seem to do anything. Ugh.

We tried the unlock all songs code (forgot where) and it worked for us. I'll try to find it later today :).
Shiraz said:
Oh, and another thing....entering cheat codes flat out doesn't work either! I tried various codes found on the net and none seem to do anything. Ugh.

All of the codes i've tried had worked. And my guitar does not lag at all... it's perfect. So if some people have this problem and others don't, than it's most likely not the companies fault. It is probably ur tv or the position ur sensor bar is in. I have a crappy old tv and it works good :lol:
Call me crazy, but I think I found a solution.

I initially got GH3 on the release date and I had been playing it in my college dorm room (small room, not very high ceilings) on a not-so-impressive 20 inch tv. There wasn't much room to move around, so I pretty much had to be square in front of the TV for the sake of the living quarters. I had no problems in my dorm.

However, when I came home... I hooked the Wii and GH3 up in our living room, which is fairly large and has a big screen TV, so I did not have to stand so close. I stationed myself several feet back on the couch and began to strum away. I WAS FAILING ON THE EASIEST SONGS! I had a bystander confirm that the music was indeed not matching up with the notes.

I decided to move my Wii to the guest bedroom, which is a small room (somewhat similar to the dorm room). Here, I had no problems. I wonder if it is a sensor bar issue, because when I did move closer to the larger TV in the larger room, I had no problems. Could it have to do with the pitch of the ceilings or maybe the frequencies the kitchen applicances give off? I do not know, but personally...this solved the problem for me. Hopefully it can help others as well.
Disclaimer: I'm not a super HDTV expert, so please correct me if I'm wrong anywhere...that means you [DT] :)

The lag occurs ONLY if you have a newer HDTV (LCD, plasma, DLP, etc.). The good 'ol CRT TVs run at 480i, there's no scaling when playing the Wii at 480i. The newer HDTVs have a native res beyond 480i, which would be 720p or 1080i/p. If you're running the RCA (yellow) cables, then the display needs to scale up from 480i to its native res. For some displays this causes noticeable lag.
If you switch to component cables and change the Wii display settings to run at 480p, then the HDTV needs to do less work in scaling the Wii input to its native res of 720p/1080i. However, some displays still have a noticeable lag. The solution? Return that shiny new HDTV and get one that performs well. Go to AVSforum to see what's good. For the most part you can't go wrong with a higher tier "sorta expensive but not super expensive" brand, e.g. for plasmas Pioneer and Panasonic.

edit: linky with everything I wrote above, but written much better :p
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yes i am indeed not more then 5 feet away when i am playing,i think beacuse the wii mote is inside the guitar it has trouble inputing a signal to the sensor bar in time. great info Ashwii00:wink:
GHIIIrock said:
yes i am indeed not more then 5 feet away when i am playing,i think beacuse the wii mote is inside the guitar it has trouble inputing a signal to the sensor bar in time. great info Ashwii00:wink:
That is definitely not the case because the sensor bar doesn't actually sense anything, but rather just has a few IR lights in it that the WiiMote sees, and sends the data over bluetooth to the Wii which then uses that to calculate where it is pointing. I don't think Guitar Hero even uses the pointer, (haven't played it on the Wii, so I can't be sure) so the sensor bar is probably unused.
but if it is wireless how does it get the information with no signal to retrive it?
and dont you play bf1?
GHIIIrock said:
but if it is wireless how does it get the information with no signal to retrive it?
and dont you play bf1?

Bluetooth is a RF (radio frequency), not IR (sensor bar).

edit: more info on Wii,bluetooth and IR than you care to know :)
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GH3 does not use the sensor bar at all. So its nothing to do with the sensor bar. Thats all I know
my experience

my experience has been this thus far...

1) with hd tv's, there will be lag, i had button lag meaning that i would press a button and it wouldnt register with the tv until about a second later.(this meant i would have to play a second before the notes came which was very difficult)

2) i bought these HD component cables for the wii and my hd tv. this allowed for better looking gameplay, and real-time representation of what was actually happening (the information from the wii gets to the hd tv faster so there's no button lag) this made things much better, but there was still lag with the fretboard. but it wasnt really lag, it was the opposite. the notes would get there before the song would, and was still a little confusing. the calibrate lag only works if the notes come after the song would, so i was still screwed. (this was still MUCH more playable than without the cables, about a couple milliseconds behind)

3) but the best solution for me was playing in my room on a digital tv. it had the best results and there was no lag. my room is fairly small and although i doubt the lag has to do with the size of the room or how close or far away i am to the wii, this was the best solution for me.

i hoped this helped at all :smilewinkgrin:
*shrugs* I did say to call me crazy, maybe it was a fluke, maybe not...but it is what worked for me, so don't give me a hard time...just trying to help.
my experience has been this thus far...

1) with hd tv's, there will be lag, i had button lag meaning that i would press a button and it wouldnt register with the tv until about a second later.(this meant i would have to play a second before the notes came which was very difficult)

2) i bought these HD component cables for the wii and my hd tv. this allowed for better looking gameplay, and real-time representation of what was actually happening (the information from the wii gets to the hd tv faster so there's no button lag) this made things much better, but there was still lag with the fretboard. but it wasnt really lag, it was the opposite. the notes would get there before the song would, and was still a little confusing. the calibrate lag only works if the notes come after the song would, so i was still screwed. (this was still MUCH more playable than without the cables, about a couple milliseconds behind)

3) but the best solution for me was playing in my room on a digital tv. it had the best results and there was no lag. my room is fairly small and although i doubt the lag has to do with the size of the room or how close or far away i am to the wii, this was the best solution for me.

i hoped this helped at all :smilewinkgrin: