Guitar Hero III...for Australia!

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  • #48
Alright...yes a double post but this is important....

Ok starting off:

1)First of all Eagles...the wise one has suggested to do a round robin this..we will all gather on gabbly or MSN or whatever...and we'll (out of those who showed up) verse eachother...It'll be random Versing...whoever's free...verse them.

You'll make the match out of 3 songs to make it fair...we'll do this all on face-off so people can choose their difficulty (no complaining that your difficulties chose it...)

Once everyone has versed eachother we will tally it up the two which have won the most...and they shall have a battle (might change that if people don't like battle but you gotta think up a better option).

The winner of that will receive an Aussie GH:III sig and maybe a little something on VC.

2) All this being said...we will scrap the for the moment until we get this out of the way...we need a sig for the winner and perhaps second...if you make the sig and the people's vote says that yours are the best...then you will also win a little something on VC...If I end up making it I'll get myself something...

3) So if that is this thing get on its doesn't just have to be GH if people are willing...while you wait to play you can play MSC or even the DS. But main priorities lie on this tourney...thankyou and goodnight.
Ok ive done a design for our Group...thing.
The Aussie Battlers. TAB for short:


Notice the camo is actually 'naked' chicks... quite fitting for a rock band me thinks...
I'm thinking (not too hard obviously) but what if the winner gets a gold spray painted GH3 controller? You'd certainly be the only person in the world with one. :p
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  • #52
Lol, thanks Deanis for that it looks awesome!

I've been out the whole freaking day...

As I said in the post before...about not worrying too much about atm...but that is defineatly a great effort and I will take this into account when we start doing the comp for the tour group...thing....Thanks again....OFF TO MAKE A SIG!!!
To match my entry to this here competition of my tour group/band name of Southern C I submit my picture to go with. Plain and simple.


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gpoleweski said:
Because Canada's a bit far away and you lag...LAGGER!

Well...don't everyone post in their ideas at once....
Hmm, looks like someone is a bit to afraid from a little canadian challange.

How about we make a tournament. I gather 10 canadians you gather 10 "Australians".
oh we are true Australians none of this " " business.
And of course Australians rock harder than Canadians... we got AC/DC...youve got Avril Lavigne. ;)
Hmm, Canada most richest country in the world..
Lol how do you know your guitar hero online code. I just started online right now because I owned in single.

PS, we should make a tourney and own your "Austarlians Asses."
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Australia has most attractive women in the world.... Is Canada really the richest? Any footage I've seen of it looks pretty poor. I think I'd rate Dubai as the richest... I mean they run out of space, so they start making self sufficient islands in the middle of the one can afford to do that! :p
So my dad works in Dubai.
Ok seriously if we want to fight about this we might as well make a thread called "Canada vs Australians"
You obviously know why I put canada first, no need to explain.

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