Guitar Hero 3 Lefty


WiiChat Member
May 19, 2007
Hey i was wondering if it had been possible with guitar hero games and the new guitar hero 3, to play left handed since i play guitar left handed.
Yeah I was gonna say the controller isn't that bulky or anything so it's not too hard to do the Jimi Hendrix flip with the righty guitar. I think there might be some 3rd party companies that make lefty controllers, though, if the regular one is a problem at all. You just have to look around. I don't think it'll be a problem, though. Even if you had to completely retrain yourself to play GH right handed, it'd be worth it. The game is addicting. I play guitar, too, and it actually kinda helped me a bit even though I've been playing about 15 years now. Good luck!
It's using the les paul... shouldn't be that hard to use upside down. Or there'll will be an SG 3rd part.
I'm a lefty put got used to the right hand. I heard there is some move that makes you switch to your left hand to play and so whenever that happens ill be ok :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa:
There's a left mode that switches teh buttons around so when you flip the guitar to be left handed the buttons on the controller match the screen.

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