Greetings and salutations.


Jan 30, 2009
Blue Mountains, Australia.
Wii Online Code
Hello all. My name is Ukemi and I'm new here, as you've probably gathered. I've just recently bought a Wii, although I've been a Nintendo hardcore since I got a N64 in 1998 and was gifted with the Greatest Game Ever to Walk the Face of the Universe, Zelda: OoT.

I've also got a SNES, which I picked up in brand-new, mint-in-box condition last year for $30. I've got a N64, Game Boy, GBA and a GameCube.

I naturally purchased SSBB as my first Wii title, and I play online most of the time. I also love RPGs like Okami, and especially Golden Sun for the GBA (best RPG ever, in my opinion).

I'm also an avid writer and reader, and I love art and drawing.

There: an introduction thread. :p Hope to see you all on the boards and make some friends here.
I'm also an avid writer and reader, and I love art and drawing.

There: an introduction thread. :p Hope to see you all on the boards and make some friends here.

welcome to wiichat! all of your interests are here in a themed thread. :)
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Thanks guys! This place seems cheerful already. ;)

Brawl enthusiasts, huh? I'll be sure to jot down some friend codes and get myself into a few tourneys.
I've already seen you around the forums, but welcome to Wiichat anyways! :) Hope you enjoy the forums. You post like you've been around for awhile even though you're new so I'll take a guess you aren't new to forums, I'm sure you'll be a great member. :D

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