Graphics whores? It's a two-way street

Like everyone is saying graphics is just a plus. People who cry about "graphic whores" are hypocrites. They only are even bring up "graphic whores" because the console they own is weakest in graphical power. Ive never heard people cry about this in the Gamecube era. Everyone loved the new graphics, graphics is always a good thing to deny this is hypocracy. But as soon as Wii is released and 360/PS3 is far ahead of them, then suddenly graphics mean ****. The only reason why they say this is to defend their console. But you still see those same whiners going ga-ga when a new Nintendo has good graphics. When the new console for Nintendo is released everyone who had not experienced the graphical power will go ga-ga once again for new shiny graphics. But in the end graphics is just a perk.

So just let those 360/PS3 marvel in awe, because guess what? So did you when you first experienced new graphics.
T3kNi9e said:
Like everyone is saying graphics is just a plus. People who cry about "graphic whores" are hypocrites. They only are even bring up "graphic whores" because the console they own is weakest in graphical power. Ive never heard people cry about this in the Gamecube era. Everyone loved the new graphics, graphics is always a good thing to deny this is hypocracy. But as soon as Wii is released and 360/PS3 is far ahead of them, then suddenly graphics mean ****. The only reason why they say this is to defend their console. But you still see those same whiners going ga-ga when a new Nintendo has good graphics. When the new console for Nintendo is released everyone who had not experienced the graphical power will go ga-ga once again for new shiny graphics. But in the end graphics is just a perk.

So just let those 360/PS3 marvel in awe, because guess what? So did you when you first experienced new graphics.
True. Although the reason the graphics point is becoming more moot of late, is simply because Nintendo has opened up gaming. Personally, I prefered N64 control over Gamecube and dual shock, but the wiimote is even further different. Not defneding those people, just explaining why graphics are less important nowadays.

Oh, and forgot to say, it's probably because even smaller developers are making things that graphically look decent, and so graphics isn't neccesarily a defining part of the game as much as it used to be.
the wii's graphics arn't bad.... i mean... it seems like people talk as if the wii's graphics are worse than the PS2/xbox .. but the fact is that the GC's graphics are actutally capable of being better than both xbox and PS2 .... and since the Wii has at least 2x the graphics power the GC has ..... well.. go figure...
FRuMMaGe said:
Just felt like writing a little post on the endless supply of Wii owners who take it on themselves to cling with such piousness to the notion that all games with good graphics inherently lack depth or fun game-play.

I refer you to the encapsulation of this in the following thread, aptly named "OMG This is so freakin annoying!"

As you can see, this person has probably never played Bioshock, but because it has amazing graphics they are making several (wrong) assumptions:
> The game is NOT fun to play.
> The game has poor controls and/or game-play.
> Everyone who likes the game is a "graphics-whore".

This is a very widespread state of mind across most of this forum and it really ticks me off when I hear amazing games such as Halo 3 and Bioshock having their great graphics used as a negative point.

I am sure I am not alone in this.

EDIT: Before some people start a barrage of poorly worded "ZOMG! U R T3H GR4FICKS HORE!" posts, I would like to stress that I enjoy my Wii more than my Xbox 360.

that's really interesting, Frummage. I never thought of it like that. But I have seen people say things to this effect. But I don't think like that, and never has. I think those that do say this feel that the wii is inherrently inferior and they have no other way of defending it when they are told that it IS inherently inferior, since graphic processing power is a measure of superiority or infeiority.

I mean I wanna play Bioshock and others like it. It did deserve game of the year, alongside Mario Galaxy. Another game I want to play is, Drakes Fortune, cuz it looks like a kinda adventure platformer game, and it looks soo good! WOW!
Clish said:
the wii's graphics arn't bad.... i mean... it seems like people talk as if the wii's graphics are worse than the PS2/xbox .. but the fact is that the GC's graphics are actutally capable of being better than both xbox and PS2 .... and since the Wii has at least 2x the graphics power the GC has ..... well.. go figure...
To be fair, I think most people are getting peeved off with developers not even trying to do something more creative with the graphics of the Wii. It seems a dumping ground for PS2 ports. Even Factor 5 said so a while back. Thankfully, they'll be able to put other devs to shame with whatever game they're doing.

Here's the interview:
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Squall7 said:
To be fair, I think most people are getting peeved off with developers not even trying to do something more creative with the graphics of the Wii. It seems a dumping ground for PS2 ports. Even Factor 5 said so a while back. Thankfully, they'll be able to put other devs to shame with whatever game they're doing.

Here's the interview:
exactly .. the wii is capable of what many people would consider "good graphics" (note .. not great grapics but good graphics) but no one is developing it for the wii .. and thus people get the stereotype that the wii has bad graphics....
T3kNi9e said:
Like everyone is saying graphics is just a plus. People who cry about "graphic whores" are hypocrites. They only are even bring up "graphic whores" because the console they own is weakest in graphical power. Ive never heard people cry about this in the Gamecube era. Everyone loved the new graphics, graphics is always a good thing to deny this is hypocracy. But as soon as Wii is released and 360/PS3 is far ahead of them, then suddenly graphics mean ****. The only reason why they say this is to defend their console. But you still see those same whiners going ga-ga when a new Nintendo has good graphics. When the new console for Nintendo is released everyone who had not experienced the graphical power will go ga-ga once again for new shiny graphics. But in the end graphics is just a perk.

So just let those 360/PS3 marvel in awe, because guess what? So did you when you first experienced new graphics.

Ahh i should have known that you would come in riding your Fanboy horse once again.

But this time, what your saying isnt 'Wrong'. I think 'Bullshit' is a better suited word for what youve said.

When i first experienced graphics on the 360, i wasnt in awe. I didnt marvel at the sparkly screen. I picked up the controller and naturally got bored of the button mashing and thumb numbing controls.

Gameplay is what i see first. Simply becuase its most important. Graphics? A Bonus, nothing more. I just downloaded Super Mario Bros. on my Wii a few days ago. Ive been playing it more than some of my other Wii games that have respectable graphics.

Graphics = Bonus. I wanna play a game, not watch a movie.
grapics dont make the game hell i still play pong that is fun but when i am bord it is fun to play old games just as fun to play new games with better graphics. what is the point of playing a gane for it's graphics i play games for a storry line well most of the time
I think that there was a time when amazing graphics would equal poor gameplay but that was back when FMV had just hit the scene and games such as Sewer Shark were big news.

Nowadays consoles are capable of both good graphics and good gameplay. I think that these type of arguments are usually an extreme reaction though, with one person saying Wii games are crap because they are not in HD and the other person saying 360/PS3 games are crap because they dont have fun motion controlled gameplay.

The truth is that a game can be fun with or without these things, after all classic videogames such as Donkey Kong are still fun for some people despite not having HD or motion controls. Gameplay is whats really important and we are lucky to have such a variety of gaming, whether it be COD4 on 360/PS3 or SMG on Wii.
Okay, well you guys/ gals can't say graphics don't "make" a game, they affect it greatly, but good game play cannot be matched by good graphics.

A good game is good game-play, or good graphics. A great game is the combined.
I don't care whether or not the graphics are good or not. All that matters is how much enjoyment someone gets out of a game. I don't believe in Good graphics=bad game or that bad graphics=bad game. I hate it when people say they don't like the game because of the graphics being bad. For example, my friends mom was like "with all of the technology we have in this house, i can't believe your playing the most simplistic game." We were playing The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap on the Gamecube (with that special thingy.) We told her who cares about graphics. They may not be great, but the game is still fun to play.