Graphics Sub-section Petition!

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  • #197
Byuakuya said:
Wow, thats quite an effort. I congradulate you for that.
Thanks. :) But, only about 5% of that congrats goes to me, I really thank everyone here for your effort and dedication.

Cpt.McCloud, you cool with how I tweaked the poem? I think I like it better. :)
ssbb_lover said:
Thanks. :) But, only about 5% of that congrats goes to me, I really thank everyone here for your effort and dedication.

Cpt.McCloud, you cool with how I tweaked the poem? I think I like it better. :)
Then my congradulations goes to everyone here also. You can all pat yourself on the back for this.
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  • #199
Byuakuya said:
Then my congradulations goes to everyone here also. You can all pat yourself on the back for this.
You're one of them. :)
Yeah im cool with the poem! its awsomeness!

I signed petition
Donated sig
Helped poem

I will worship myself :)
If we do get a sub section, ion should make a seperate mod team that only moderates the graphics sub-section, and maybe have a different colored mushroom next to their name (turquoise, orange, yellow?) just a thought...
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  • #205
tarheelsuperman said:
I think a gfx sub would be great. I'll sign on!
You, you're a very good person. :)

Great idea about a separate modding section. That should definitely happen.
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  • #207
Brawny said:
Why thank
Lol, was thanking you. :/ I didn't see your suggestion, if you can find it and give us a link to the thread, i'll thank you too. :)

(^^ yes, i'm just being an ass)

P.S. Woah, 2 more reps and i'll have 3 bars, then we'll have 3 funky names at the beginning of the list, and the only 3 on the site! :ee5k:
It wont let give you rep, which would of got you 3 bars. . .

i already gave you rep recently apparently, probs like week ago.

Mr.i0n likes to make us wait!
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  • #209
Cpt.McCloud said:
It wont let give you rep, which would of got you 3 bars. . .

i already gave you rep recently apparently, probs like week ago.

Mr.i0n likes to make us wait!
Seriously, it's evil. I repped Wiired one time, then like 3 weeks later I tried and said I still had to spread some around. >.>

Thanks for the attempt though. :)
Brawny said:
A stolen I remember saying that somewhere.
oh, well i just thought of it at the momment but i didnt steal it.

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