Graphic comissions?


WiiChat Member
Oct 10, 2013
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hi there, everyone! I'm Sosu and I recently joined the community. I was wondering if people usually tend to take comissions for signatures and graphics like that. I just made my signature to give you an example. It was a very quick graphic, though. If you want tosee more of my graphics, please visit my portfolio here: :) I'm up to make them as well as friend requests. I play Mario Kart Wii the most so friend codes sharing and messages about that are welcomed to! :papermario:
A (formal) welcome t' the forums, amigo. =) Don't believe anyone on Wiichat's ever commissioned a signature, we're all cheap bastards. Half'a our signatures are made from the charity of one poor, fishy soul lol (not referring to myself, even though I am the fishiest of all).

Regardless, ya've certainly got some decent artstuff. Best of luck findin' costumers; though I doubt ya need the luck, assumin' that plethora of neopets guff has your name on it. Good advertisin' I reckon.
Nar, I dont take money for my works as its a hobby, people that do are mostly scum
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Yeah it's a hobbie for me too but I'm majoring in graphic design next year so it wouldn't hurt taking some comissions. However, I guess this forum in general lacks of interests towards graphics so it wouldn't be the best place to do it. I don't mind doing it for free though; knowing myself I know I'll end up doing it anyways.
Im probably the most active one in this section

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