Grand theft auto countdown (trailer)

I'm WATCHING it...God it looks AMAZING. Not at the end yet so I don't know anything about consoles but if it doesn't come out on the Wii I'm definitely getting an XBox 360 for Gears of War, Mass Effect, Halo 3 (maybe), and GTA IV!
Wait the thing I'm watching says, "LA Noire". Are we sure that its the right thing iOn? I mean I trust you man but theres nothing in there about which consoles are getting it, etc. Not to mention NO WHERE in there did it say GTA.

Oh wait! I'm watching it! The real one on the website! It looks good so far.
downloading and by the looks of the screenshots here - omg sweet. New engine?

Ok seen it now, too bad its only a cinematic no gameplay but that was to be expected.

lol I wathced La Noir I somebody got me :(

now to find the real trailer...
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Ah I am now downloading off of the first mirror. Are all of the videos, including the one on the official site around 70 megs? Or is there a bigger one?
Well I've watched it and as far as trailrss go I don't like it, the music builds you for something but then well nothing comes. I'm also not to sure about the Russian guy bit of a werid choice...
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WOW! Heres whats in it. It shows a lot of the city and stuff. People, buildings, cars, etc. Its really fantastic. Awesome graphics and a lot of detail IMO. Then as it looks over a bridge with a taxi driving on it a guy starts speaking. Hes got like a European accent. And he talks about, "Life is complicated". I'll tell you guys more if you want.

However ALL OF YOU note that there wasn't a single thing about which system it would come out on. Not a mention or a blurb about the PS3 or XBox...thats VERY interesting. It comes out the day after my birthday! LOL...this should be VERY interesting.
Those graphics are pretty good, not amazing, but pretty good. Those better not be movie sequences and then the gameplay looks like pong.
You keep thinking that then. I'll wait until ROCKSTAR makes an announcement. IF that were set in stone they would have had it at the end there right? I mean come on...they're obviously thinking about it.

P.S. I'm not to sure about the Russian guy either...kinda wierd. I'd rather have an Italian guy or something. I dunno maybe its cuz of his voice.

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