Novocain Stain'd
She lives in Whales.Mitch2025 said:British lit is the study of British literature (like Shakespeare). im not sure if your from the USA or England but if your from england i would guess you dont have that as a subject (or its called something else)
I don't have Brit Lit yet, that's next year (9th grade, beginning of high school :O ). Right now I just recite stuff like Bush speeches, Deitry Bonhoeffer, poems, etc. Luckily, I have the gift of being able to read things pretty much one time and then I can recite it to you straight off the top of my mind...unfortunately, I don't have the skill of speaking...especially in front of crowds (I feel your pain, Mitch). All the other kids in my class do Speech & Debate, while I do Tennis and Drums (wouldn't trade either of them for anything
Don't understand why everyone says that the creativity is located in the right side of your brain, I use to draw creatures of all sorts and build huge lego ships (not using instructions, just imagination), etc....but i'm definitely left-brain dominant...