Got a Wii for under the tree. What else will I need Christmas day?

Skippy said:
Just to be picky, "RCA" connectors are just a type of connector at the end of a wire. Both component and composite audio/video cables use RCA connectors.

Point taken, however what I meant is that these are the cables commonly referred to as "RCA" cables.
mym6 said:
I chime in on an extra controller or two. Consider getting a wii points card as a stocking stuffer, a classic controller if not two for SNES/N64 games.

I was going to suggest this. But keep in mind that young kids have no ties with nintendo classics, and many are too spoiled by modern tech to appreciate older games for their superior fun qualities.

Unless your kids have had some exposure to N64 and back, then just wait until they actually ask for these before spending 40$ US on a points card and controller.
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KyleForMe said:
I was going to suggest this. But keep in mind that young kids have no ties with nintendo classics, and many are too spoiled by modern tech to appreciate older games for their superior fun qualities.

Unless your kids have had some exposure to N64 and back, then just wait until they actually ask for these before spending 40$ US on a points card and controller.

Did I say the kid's stocking, I meant yours :)
mym6 said:
Consider getting a wii points card as a stocking stuffer, a classic controller if not two for SNES/N64 games.

I'd also consider rechargeable batteries or a charge station
I wouldnt recomend that since you want the feel of the wii first and so you have basic knowledge. First get the basics such as 4 controllers (and nunchcuks), component cables, and probably the best bet is the router and if you ever think of getting a laptop you got wireless internet right there. But about the charge station and wii points card you should really get those yet. First have the wii for about a week and get wii points card a classic controller and maybe a wireless sensor bar.
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Hey, thanks for all the advice. I probably should have stated that money isn't an issue. Best performance is. I have a main computer and lap top for work, but simply haven't seen the need to keep it near me 100% of the time since the office is on the 1st floor. Charge station, more controlers, mem card, wireless sensor bar, componet cables (hooking up to a 1080p 55"). Sounds like a plan. Thanks for all the advice!
i know of the dongle reports, but i got a new computer and than used it again and if it works, it is better because you can connect 5 wii/ds systems, all in all, it's only for some computer setups
zekmoe said:
Hey, thanks for all the advice. I probably should have stated that money isn't an issue. Best performance is. I have a main computer and lap top for work, but simply haven't seen the need to keep it near me 100% of the time since the office is on the 1st floor. Charge station, more controlers, mem card, wireless sensor bar, componet cables (hooking up to a 1080p 55"). Sounds like a plan. Thanks for all the advice!

You don't really need a memory card. The Wii has internal memory for storing game-saves and downloaded VC games.

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