good routers up to $60 - Netgear, LInksys ?


WiiChat Member
Sep 27, 2010
Wii newbie. I don't have a router yet and was wondering if a Netgear WGR614 is a good buy, or should I spend a little more and get a Netgear Rangemax, or Linksys WRT54GL or E1000.

This will really only be used to periodically connect the wii for console games, and a desktop in the basement.

I have read a bunch of mixed reviews on the WGR614 (and other $30-40 routers) about connectivity problems and failure after a year or so.

Any suggestions for current model routers ?

I dont know a lot about the routers and all that, but I just got my wii and wanted to hook it up online. I found out my cable internet provider offered a free router, it was a $10 shipping fee, but the router was free cuz I have cable internet with them... I dont know how great its gonna be, but it got me online today. hope that helps

also, its a netgear brand

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