Connection Dumping Issue


WiiChat Member
Oct 11, 2007
I'm having a problem that has plagued me from the get go. In fact, I've sent one Wii back and am on my second one thinking the first one was simply borked from the beginning. I've returned routers only to find out that my friend has no problem with the same brand/model. I just got my new Wii last night and hooked everything up. When I woke up this morning, my internet connection was nil again. This is beyond frustrating.

I have a Linksys WRT54G router, version 8. The firmware is up to date, the channel is set to 11, and the connection is set to "mixed". My computer is hardwired to it and my Wii is in the other room, not too far off. Over periods of downtime, the connection will dump. My computer sees myself as being connected, but won't access any websites. When I try then I get the "Page cannot be displayed error". Then I turn on my Wii and I can't connect there either. I have to manually unplug the router to regain a connection.

When my first Wii had "died" (it eventually froze and would not turn back on) my router issues stopped. I had no problems. The Wii was the only wireless device in my network, but even with the wired PC connection, everything was fine. The second I place a Wii into the network, I begin having this issue (it seems).

Now this is my second router, second Wii and I am still having this problem. I fear this is what caused my first Wii to break. I should not be experiencing this and I can't seem to correct it. At least today my Wii turned on.

Anyone else seeing this?

P.S. I do have a entertainment center where I keep all my components (receiver, cable box, dvd player, Wii) and it has glass doors on it. Obviously, when those components are not in use, the doors are closed. I have left them open today to see if that makes any difference by the time I get home. I know, that is probably not the issue and sounds ridiculous me even suggesting it, but I was wondering if maybe things were getting a bit warm in there. But that shouldn't be the issue should it? After all the WiFi ignores walls and such doesn't it?
you shouldnt really stuff it in a small enclosed space with other equipment that is running it will get hot quick but i doubt thats your prob . If its around alot of other wireless devices such as speakers for you system your signal will probably be interupted
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el-zilcho said:
you shouldnt really stuff it in a small enclosed space with other equipment that is running it will get hot quick but i doubt thats your prob . If its around alot of other wireless devices such as speakers for you system your signal will probably be interupted

I was thinking about the other equipment as well, but they are all off when this is occurring. Also, they never had any issues with each other and are all seperated nicely from each other by the wooden divisors.

Also, it is the only wireless device in that room.
so when u say connection was nil do you mean that your wii was not picking your routers signal up ?
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el-zilcho said:
so when u say connection was nil do you mean that your wii was not picking your routers signal up ?

I first tried my PC, which gave me the "Page Cannot Be Displayed" message. When I checked my router software, it told me it was detecting a different network. I then turned on my Wii and tried the Weather Channel and it told me it could not access it. I went back to the router, unplugged it from the wall, and then plugged it back in. The connection was restored. Seems simple enough, but I shouldn't have to do this every morning/evening after a long downtime. I'm also fearful that this is what caused the downfall of my first Wii.
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I searched the net and found a few instances of the Version 8 or this router doing the exact same thing that is plaguing me. Basically the fix is to get a new router, which I intend to do because I refuse to deal with this crap. Anyways, I figured I'd put closure to this chapter of "Wii Oh Noes" and simply move on. Netgear WGR614 will be my router of choice, or at least it will be my next shot.
I have a Dlink router but i found the connection to be very unstable except on channel 1. Even so it disconnects and then reconnects about every half hour. Not a big deal but can be annoying especially when typing on the Wii. Also i cannot use my laptop and Wii at the same time.

I thought maybe that if the neighbours have 2.4GHz digital phones then that could interupt the wireless signal, so im looking at maybe getting a Linksys WRT300N router (i like the little radar looking thing on it) and hope that will give a stronger signal.

I think walls or other obsticles will slightly impede wireless performance as my router instructions give a longer wireless range if it is in line of sight.

If wireless is a problem and the distance from Wii to router isnt too far then you could always get an ethernet adaptor and run a cable, not ideal but it would guarantee a constant connection.
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Problem solved in one easy step: Return Linksys to store and return with different router.

I came home with a Netgear netgear wgt624. This thing is one step above what I had (LinksysWRT54G), equivilent to the WRT54GS I think. Anyways, I had the thing up and running without any configuring. Automatically it chose channel 11, and the Wii reckognized the WPA settings and connected without any issue. Beautiful router all around.

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