Good Memories of T.V or Music

South Park

Dec 5, 2007
To me more cool shows and commercials happened before. For me I love the 80s music. Remember the 6 flags commercial, love the dancing old man(who actually isnt old) Anyone else have and favorite music,shows, etc. from back then.

Yes I'm bored.
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Lol yea...hmmm what else....The Wild Thornberries...I loved that show (These are all kid shows as you can see)
Well I obviously wasn't born then, but I love shows from the 60s and 70s.
That Girl and the Mary Tyler Moore show are my favorite sitcoms of all time, followed by The Facts of Life and Full House which debuted in later decades. I miss when sitcoms were actually funny. There isn't a single one besides Little Mosque on the Prairie currently that makes me laugh. I guess my humour is different. Sexual innuendos every 3 seconds...not my idea of funny...and I'm not conservative about that stuff at all, it's just so old.

As for music, I'll never get enough 90s pop. That's when I was growing up and really developing my passion for music. Prince, Celine, Mariah, Janet, Michael, BSB, Britney, Spice Girls...ahhh.

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