Goldeneye Wii


WiiChat Member
Apr 15, 2010
compton, ca, USA
Wii Online Code
hey everybody anyone really excited for goldeneye? i paid off my preorder with the golden controller lol ima want some friends for the game ad my wii code and pm me your and lets play when it comes out
hmmm.. i duno man ive looked up some information onit and its not sounding that great to be honest. but hey ill soon see when i play it lol. If i like it i will post up my fc on this thread.
hmmm.. i duno man ive looked up some information onit and its not sounding that great to be honest. but hey ill soon see when i play it lol. If i like it i will post up my fc on this thread.

They lied to you, the game is freaking awesome! The best Wii FPS by far, in fact I've enjoyed it more than any other FPS that I've played this year.

IGN has a review here, they scored it a 9/10.
hmmm.. i duno man ive looked up some information onit and its not sounding that great to be honest. but hey ill soon see when i play it lol. If i like it i will post up my fc on this thread.

They lied to you, the game is freaking awesome! The best Wii FPS by far, in fact I've enjoyed it more than any other FPS that I've played this year.

IGN has a review here, they scored it a 9/10.
This is what you call over selling somthing.
Played the first level of it at R3play.
After about ten minutes of changing the control's (classic controller support yo)(Southpaw, no look spring, No auto aim, Look with the left move with the right).
It is quite good, but seems to be like every other FPS thats out right now.(COD, MOH im looking at).
Might pick it up if its cheap.
Play it single player first. Then try online. Play for 3 hours.

Then tell us it sucks. (The game. Not the controller scheme you're not used to or the fact other players are whooping your ass). I dare you.

The game is top-notch.

The only Bond game to date since the 64 version that is worthy of the name..
The game is top-notch.

The only Bond game to date since the 64 version that is worthy of the name..

LOL I wouldn't go THAT far Merk. Goldeneye is definitely the cream of the crop however there have been some good bond games in the past, Quantum of Solace was a good title. And Bloodstone 007 is actually a good game...its no Goldeneye, but IGN was WAAAAAYY to harsh on that one. I think gamespot's 7.5 was more accurate.

A few of those Gamecube releases were worth noting too..."Everything or Nothing" and "Agent Under Fire" come to mind. They weren't great games (all of them maybe deserve around a 6.5-7.5 out of 10) but they weren't abominations either.

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