Godzilla: Unleashed Screenshots

If this is anything like Destroy All Monsters Melee I'll buy it. I loved it for the GameCube.
I don't know, I am a godzilla fan, but it doesn't look that great to buy, I will probably rent it first to see if its worth the money....
im a big godzilla fan, and i have to agree the GC one played pretty clunky, but 4 player mode was entertaining, also destruction mode. Probably a rent, considering maybe buying.
Uhhh....will there be more monsters than the last game

LOL to ssbb_lovers post about the penis
I think Godzilla Unleashed will be a good game on the Wii but to me it will be more of a game where people have to be a fan of Godzilla and fighting with monsters.
Might be a good game to play on, its hard to tell with Godzilla games cause they get boring easy
it really only looks interesting because it's godzilla. i originally thought u'd get to be godzilla or one of the other monsters and just ravage cities, and maybe fight other monsters along the way, but this looks like it'd get real boring, real quick.
Looks pretty good accept the poor controls and blocky movement on the last one puts me off. It was pretty much blown away by war of the monsters