Glad We Got Our Wii When We Did

Your best place to buy a Wii is on ebay. Expect to pay at around $500 for them. I just sold mine on there with a few games for $700.

The sooner you do it the better because the closer to christmas the more mad rush there will be to buy them, which equals higher prices. I can see Wii's going for 3x the retail value. Today's going rate on ebay is almost double.

Anyone with a few Wii's for Christmas would be smart to sell them. The going rate would more then pay for another one after Christmas... and lots of Accessories.
lol. i know im so glad i finally got my Wii. my friend keeps telling me that he wants one, but he expects his sister is getting one for xmas this year. i mean i have to say that i hope she gets one and all. but he has noooooo idea that its nearly impossible to get one. i want to chuckle and say good luck or some wise crack but id rather not start some form of argument. lol