GH3 friend code?

Sorry about the earlier reply. That was my Wii friend code. Listed in my signature below is my Guitar Hero 3 friend code. :)
everyone can add me to please ill trry to add as many of u as i can my gh3 cod is...360891962540...and also my wii friend code is 7392-6497-9219-2487
hi my code is 206278947031
please msg me n tell me ur codes if u add me
need friends on it hate trying to find games with strangers
yo sup my code for guitar hero 3 is 451091866823 and username for guitar hero 3 is SAW. add me and i only play songs on medium....
Woo, I'm addin everyone! My code's 116090086579

My friend code is 0173-2379-5563-6788

I'm best at medium, but I can do all songs up to Before I forget in hard... decently
idk what mine is as ive gotten it saturday! but I will add you all! im not that good but it would be fin online!!

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