Super Geek
I'm glad you found it amusing but I was being serious. Stop acting like you're tough s*** or something. You're not. It's ok. We know.Sovieto said:roflmao @ second comment
Well seeing as there's TONS of audio that would make sense...Sovieto said:rofl @ first part as well. i seriously doubt they dont have enough space on the disc. audio is the thing that takes up most of any games space.
I don't know about the disc formats, but all-in-all Metroid has a lot more information and data...think of all the log entries, areas, and power-ups are in Metroid Prime games. Not to mention this one apparently has even MORE of all that stuff.Sovieto said:besides that, things like games that stream a lot might take up more space. but a single player shooter? please. games like bioshock would max out on space if anything, and im pretty sure bioshock and mp3 are on the same disc formats (correct me if im wrong)
In the article he actually stated that there's less backtracking in this game.Sovieto said:30 hours to complete a game? unless theres like "everytime you beat the game a part of samus unviels" there might not be too much to replay it for, but idk, with nintendos recent history a naked samus is a little too much for its audience to handle. but all that aside, the amount of backtracking and scratching your head you need to do in metroid, 6/19% dosent sound like much to begin with.
Again, as I stated before, without the other hunters it wouldn't be fun and with the other hunters it would be WAY too hard for them to make the two discs work together. Look at it this way: in Metroid Prime: Hunters you had to beat certain parts of 1-P adventure mode in order to get certain levels or hunters. That kind of thing is what makes a game interesting. It is highly unlikely that Nintendo would do that for this particular game. It can be and has been done, I'm just saying it's not very likely and would be more difficult.Sovieto said:@the 2 discs comment lack made. SURE, they could. its been done. golden eye rouge agent on the GC had 2 discs. disc 1 was most of the game, disc 2 was the rest of the game + multiplayer