Gears of war

Oh yeah i got it today, its immense, the action around you is amazing and the ai is sooo hard.

and metroidZ, its not 8 hours for me, im playin it on hardcore (hoo rah!)

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MetroidZ said:
gears is just too short. "8 hours for the average gamer" one review said, you get some hours free online. but like I said, its a good game.

8 hours considering your on casual for the 2nd time probably, it took me and my friend 10 hours or so on co-op the first time around, and your probably going to say then we have a low skill level and I'm not tryng to brag, but my skill level of general FPS games is very high, specifically tactical shooters. Now you have the replay value factor, so far I've beaten the game 3 times on co-op on all 3 difficulties with my friend, and I still play campaign. I'm beating it on hardcore ounce again by myself to collect all the COG tags, and I'm also beating it again on online co-op with my older brother on casual to help him get a feel of the game and to get a chance to talk to him and play games with him. Now, whats that, over 50 hours of single player campaign, and I'm sure I'll still want to play over and over. Also I'm sure for game of the year, they will be taking into consideration the fact that FPS games generally have a very short storlyline compared to RPG's.

Next is multiplayere, so far the only criticism I have is that there is no party system, but Epic has stated they may be implanting a party system into the game with a future update. Gears will last a pretty long time online, and even longer if they implant the party system. Now seeing how Gears of War has recieved a 9.4 from Gamespot, a 9.5 from IGN, a 10 from 1up, and a 10 from OXM, and Gears of War has skyrocketed to the top of the most played Xbox Live games list. Personally I think the only match for Gears is Zelda, and I have not yet to try Zelda, so I am unable to say anything about it.
mY best m8 has got GoW and its Solid....i love it and so does he.....we are a good team togetha and he is a good gamer his tag is ....... lewis d
DEFO the game of the year online and offline

Gears of War is going to win more awards than are even offered. It is simply one of the best looking, smoothest playing games of the past 5 or so years. It lived up to and surpassed the hype preceding it's release with flying colors. I beat the game three times in three days... I have never played through a game three times as I would quickly move onto something different... simply put... this game is the ultimate shznit for rizell.
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Half-lifefan22 said:
exactly, that is the first level of the game. My Clan Leader has some video of me that he recorded. I'll post them soon.

Here: Half-Life's Dual - Google Video

Damn!!!!!!!!! ure really good!!!!!!!!!!!1 have you no no no how many Xs have u beaten insane!!!!!!!!!!your really good hey lest play my gamertag is destin726 I dont get on that much though, i got school my teachers give me way 2 much F###ing homework but give it a thought anyway
zealot8525 said:
Damn!!!!!!!!! ure really good!!!!!!!!!!!1 have you no no no how many Xs have u beaten insane!!!!!!!!!!your really good hey lest play my gamertag is destin726 I dont get on that much though, i got school my teachers give me way 2 much F###ing homework but give it a thought anyway

That's not a video he should be proud of. That video was taken 3 days after the release date, so he was probably playing against noobs (as you can see, they weren't taking ANY cover) and all he did was run away.

He also loses marks for using music by Three Days Grace.
thevarsmolta said:
That's not a video he should be proud of. That video was taken 3 days after the release date, so he was probably playing against noobs (as you can see, they weren't taking ANY cover) and all he did was run away.

He also loses marks for using music by Three Days Grace.

Half-Life is frightingly amazing at Gears of War. Play against the kid first before you talk **** because you will most likely get rocked. Luckily I can hold my own against his noob ass. B-Team for LIFE!
ABC said:
Half-Life is frightingly amazing at Gears of War. Play against the kid first before you talk **** because you will most likely get rocked. Luckily I can hold my own against his noob ass. B-Team for LIFE!
one of my friends was in the top 50 on the leaderboards before the Wii came out and he took a week off of GoW to beat zelda. he is ungodly good. i hate being on the opposite team as him lol
Mitch2025 said:
one of my friends was in the top 50 on the leaderboards before the Wii came out and he took a week off of GoW to beat zelda. he is ungodly good. i hate being on the opposite team as him lol

:lol: That's like the crew I play with. They are absolutely crazy. Luckily we all accell at different things. For example, I will rock you with the sniper, half-life is amazing at close range (especially with stickying grenades) and Atillia is insane with the shot-gun. I seriously love GoW more than I can express.
ABC said:
Half-Life is frightingly amazing at Gears of War. Play against the kid first before you talk **** because you will most likely get rocked. Luckily I can hold my own against his noob ass. B-Team for LIFE!

If he's amazing at the game, great, that's fine. But that video definitely doesn't show it. And I wasn't talking ****. Talking **** would be saying "I'd pwn his n00b ass."

And Three Days Grace is still one of the worst bands on the face of the planet.
i have got it and it is amazing a game any xbox fans should have:smilewinkgrin:
It's a good game. I've only played half-way through it. The online play is definitely something that's never really been done before, and it's more fun than Halo (not to say I don't enjoy Halo).

All that being said, I wouldn't buy the console for it. I found the story and plot to be meager - which is a shame because they did everything else exactly right.
ABC said:
:lol: That's like the crew I play with. They are absolutely crazy. Luckily we all accell at different things. For example, I will rock you with the sniper, half-life is amazing at close range (especially with stickying grenades) and Atillia is insane with the shot-gun. I seriously love GoW more than I can express.
im good at sticking people and im good with the locust SMG. i cant wait to start playing again but zelda has taken up most of my time lol

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