Gears of war co op


ninty luva
Apr 5, 2007
Isle of Man
Hey,i completed GOW on normal on co op, but i didnt get the achievment at the end..... do u have to do it on single player to get the (finished normal) achievment???:wtf:
You have to beat the game single player to get the final achievement. If you beat the game in Co-op you will get the Dom achievement instead.
well if u beat the game it should of gave u the acheviment thts messed up u might of missed a level or something
To get the "I Can't Quit You Dom" Achievement You Must Complete all acts in co-op as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty. You will not get this on your own host. You will have to be invited to a Co-op game from a friend, or join a co-op online.

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